The Do's And Don'ts Of Wearing Foundation.

Foundation, just like any other thing, has its own rules, and if you follow them, you’ll be assured of a flawless look. I guess you’ve already seen a couple of people whose foundation has gone cakey, poured off their skin along with sweat, or just made them look less like themselves. If any of that has happened to you before, then you need to know the rules of foundation, so that you don’t just get to hate the product.
In this article, you’ll get to know what you have and have not to do before, during and after wearing your foundation. I hope all the tips here work for you the next time that you decide to wear foundation;
  1. DON’T
Buy any type or brand of foundation that you find on market.
Examine the type of foundation that you find on market before you get to buy or use it.
It’s very important that you get to examine your skin, know its type, and thereby understand and determine what works for you and what doesn’t. there are three types of foundation namely; liquid, stick and cream foundation, and not just any type of foundation works for you, depending on your skin type.
Liquid foundations are suitable for all skin types, cream foundations suitable for dry to combination skins, and stick foundations are most suitable for oily skins, but hard to blend, and usually used by professionals, so you have to choose a type of foundation that works for you.
2. DON’T
Rub moisturizer onto skin.
Gently pat the moisturizer onto your skin.
When you rub the moisturizer onto your skin, you put yourself at a risk of having a rough skin. This might not happen immediately, but soon the effects will be visible, and it takes a hell of a period for you to reverse it.
3. DON’T.
Skip primer and dive straight into foundation.
Apply the primer after moisturizing your skin before you apply the foundation.
The primer helps prepare the skin for the application of foundation, and not wearing it means your foundation is probably not going to stick, or even look good on your skin.
4. DON’T
Squeeze foundation right on your face
Squeeze a few drops of foundation on the back of your hand, and pick it right from there onto your face
Squeezing foundation right onto your face will put you at a risk of wearing excess foundation and having it cake up on your face. When you put it at the back of your hand and apply thin layers, you’ll only stop when you feel that you’ve applied enough.
5. DON’T
Wear extra foundation for a tan
Match your body color.
This should be corrected when you get to the drugstore or makeup store or wherever else you buy your foundation. Make sure that you buy your exact shade-match so you won’t need to wear extra foundation. It really looks weird when you wear too much of it.
6. DON’T
Stop foundation at your face
Blend towards your neck
I bet you’ve seen a couple of people that wear foundation, have their faces look awesome, but then it all looks like they wore a pretty mask. When you wear foundation, make sure you blend it all around the face, towards your hairline, below your chin and towards your neck.
7. DON’T
Rely on thick layers of foundation to hide flaws and dark spots.
Use your concealer on a few dark spots that you wish to hide before you apply your foundation.
Adding foundation on your face just because there are some flaws that you wanna hide, is a real trap. You risk wearing lots of foundation and killing the natural look.
If you want to hide your flaws, you shall have to use your concealer on those dark spots before you dive into your foundation.
8. DON’T
Skip powder.
Use translucent powder to set your foundation.
For whatever reason that you might wanna skip the powder, please don’t. the worst thing that’ll ever happen to you when you get into a public place and feel your foundation run along with your sweat. TBH, I wouldn’t wish that for you either. Use that translucent powder to set your foundation.
Those are the points that I found more interesting and important, that some people, especially the beginners tend to ignore sometimes. With all the steps followed, you will have that stunning look after applying your foundation.
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